Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Microsoft Unified Tuning Model Interfaces

These interfaces are used primarily by (1) the Guide Store Loader to create tune requests for storage in the Guide Store, and (2) programs that install custom tuning spaces on a system. Applications use these interfaces in the following scenarios to:

For more information, see The Microsoft Unified Tuning Model.

Tuning Space Interfaces

These interfaces manage tuning space objects. You will never use the base class ITuningSpace interface directly; you will always use a derived interface that is specific to a particular network type.

Interface Description
IAnalogRadioTuningSpace Represents a tuning space specific to analog radio networks. (Not implemented in this release.)
IAnalogTVTuningSpace Represents a tuning space specific to analog TV networks.
IATSCTuningSpace Represents a tuning space specific to ATSC networks.
ICreatePropBagOnRegKey Creates a property bag for saving a default tune request to the system registry.
IDVBSTuningSpace Represents a tuning space for satellite DVB (DVB-S) networks.
IDVBTuningSpace Represents a tuning space specific to DVB networks. IDVBTuningSpace2 has replaced this interface.
IDVBTuningSpace2 Represents a tuning space specific to DVB networks.
IEnumTuningSpaces Standard COM enumeration interface for tuning spaces.
ITuningSpace Base class for the other tuning space interfaces in this table.
ITuningSpaceContainer Provides access to all tuning spaces installed on the host system.

Tune Request Interfaces

Tune requests are not co-created directly. They are obtained through a call to CreateTuneRequest on a network-specific tuning space interface, such as IDVBTuningSpace. The base class ITuneRequest interface is never used directly; its methods are only used through the derived interfaces.

Interface Description
IATSCChannelTuneRequest Provides tuning information specific to ATSC TV networks.
IChannelTuneRequest Provides tuning information specific to analog TV networks.
IDVBTuneRequest Provides tuning information specific to DVB TV networks.
ITuneRequest Provides tuning information relevant for all network types.

Stream Component Interfaces

A "component" in this context refers to a substream within a broadcast. Applications create a default preferred components collection based on user input, in order to specify, for example, a preferred audio stream language. When an audio stream is specified in this way, the Network Provider will always attempt to use it for all tune request in the tuning space (See ITuningSpace::put_DefaultPreferredComponentTypes.) In some cases the actual components of a broadcast stream can only be discovered after reception begins, or the actual components may differ from what was advertised in the EPG information. At that time the BDA Network Provider will fill in the Component information in the tune request, and the application can then retrieve it and use it, for example, to change the audio stream or determine which audio streams are currently available.

Interface Description
IATSCComponentType Provides a method that indicates whether the audio substream is in AC-3 format.
IComponent Base class for all derived component interfaces.
IComponents Provides a standard COM enumeration of components.
IComponentType Base class for all derived component type interfaces.
IComponentTypes Provides a standard COM enumeration of component types.
IEnumComponents Implemented on a standard COM collection object containing all the active or inactive components on the current broadcast stream.
ILanguageComponentType Provides methods that describe the language of the substream.
IMPEG2ComponentType Provides methods that describe a component type associated with an MPEG-2 stream type.

Locator Interfaces

Locators are used by the Network Provider and other filters in the graph to determine how to locate a specified program. These interfaces are not used by applications except possibly for debugging purposes. Third parties that install new tuning spaces should also provide a default locator for the tuning space. An individual tune request contains a locator, which can be different from the default locator. If present, the locator in the tune request takes precedence over the default locator

Interface Description
IATSCLocator Provides methods and properties for tuning on an ATSC network.
IDVBSLocator Provides methods and properties for tuning on a DVB-S network.
IDVBTLocator Provides methods and properties for tuning on a DVB-T network.
ILocator Base class for all derived locator interfaces. Not used directly.