Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.
A Guide Store repository contains many Guide Store MetaPropertyType objects that can be used by an application. Some of these are standard types; others are defined by the application or the loader.
The procedure to access a standard MetaPropertyType object is as follows.
The last step is equivalent to retrieving the MetaPropertySet object called "Categories" by using IMetaPropertySets::get_Item, retrieving the associated MetaPropertyTypes collection by using IMetaPropertySet::get_MetaPropertyTypes, and finally calling IMetaPropertyTypes::get_ItemWithName to retrieve the MetaPropertyType object named "Action".
After you have retrieved a MetaPropertyType object, you can retrieve all MetaProperty objects of that type from a collection by using IMetaProperties::get_ItemsWithMetaPropertyType.