Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Video Subtypes

The following table describes the video media subtypes.

GUID Description
MEDIASUBTYPE_YVU9 Standard YVU9 format uncompressed data. A planar YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; a Y sample on every vertical line, a U and V sample at every fourth vertical line. 9 bits per pixel.
MEDIASUBTYPE_Y411 YUV 411 format data. Same as Y41P.
MEDIASUBTYPE_Y41P Y41P format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Byte ordering (lowest first) is U0, Y0, V0, Y1, U4, Y2, V4, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 12-byte block is 8 image pixels.
MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2 YUY2 format data. Same as UYVY but with different pixel ordering. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, U0, Y1, V0, Y2, U2, Y3, V2, Y4, U4, Y5, V4, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels.
MEDIASUBTYPE_YVYU YVYU format data. A packed YUV format. Same as UYVY but with different pixel ordering. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, V0, Y1, U0, Y2, V2, Y3, U2, Y4, V4, Y5, U4, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels.
MEDIASUBTYPE_UYVY UYVY format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every second pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Probably the most popular of the various YUV 4:2:2 formats. Byte ordering (lowest first) is U0, Y0, V0, Y1, U2, Y2, V2, Y3, U4, Y4, V4, Y5, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 2 image pixels.
MEDIASUBTYPE_Y211 YUV 211 format data. A packed YUV format. A Y sample at every second pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled. Byte ordering (lowest first) is Y0, U0, Y2, V0, Y4, U4, Y6, V4, Y8, U8, Y10, V8, where the suffix 0 is the leftmost pixel and increasing numbers are pixels increasing left to right. Each 4-byte block is 4 image pixels.
MEDIASUBTYPE_CLJR Cirrus Logic Jr YUV 411 format with less than 8 bits per Y, U, and V sample. Cinepak can produce it and Cirrus 5440 can produce an overlay with it. A Y sample at every pixel, a U and V sample at every fourth pixel horizontally on each line; every vertical line sampled.
MEDIASUBTYPE_IF09 Indeo produced YVU9 format with additional information about differences from the last frame. 9.5 bits per pixel but reported as 9.
MEDIASUBTYPE_MJPG Motion JPEG (MJPG) compressed video.
MEDIASUBTYPE_WAKE MJPG format produced by some cards.
MEDIASUBTYPE_CFCC MJPG format produced by some cards.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB1 RGB, 1 bit per pixel. Palettized.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4 RGB, 4 bits per pixel. Palettized.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8 RGB, 8 bits per pixel. Palettized.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565 565 format of RGB, 16 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555 555 format of RGB, 16 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 RGB, 24 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples.
MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 RGB, 32 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples. Do not use the alpha bits with this media type. (Compare MEDIASUBTYPE_ARGB32.)
MEDIASUBTYPE_ARGB32 ARGB, 32 bits per pixel. Uncompressed RGB samples with valid alpha bits.
MEDIASUBTYPE_Overlay Video delivered using hardware overlay.
MEDIASUBTYPE_QTMovie AppleŽ QuickTimeŽ compression.
MEDIASUBTYPE_QTRpza QuickTime RPZA compressed data.
MEDIASUBTYPE_QTSmc QuickTime SMC compressed data.
MEDIASUBTYPE_QTRle QuickTime RLE compressed data.
MEDIASUBTYPE_QTJpeg QuickTime JPEG compressed data.
MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsd Standard DV format.
MEDIASUBTYPE_dvhd High Definition DV format.
MEDIASUBTYPE_dvsl Long Play DV format.
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload MPEG1 Video Payload.
MEDIASUBTYPE_VideoPort Video port data, used with DVD.
MEDIASUBTYPE_VPVideo Video port video data.
MEDIASUBTYPE_VPVBI Video port vertical blanking interval (VBI) data.