Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic)

Outline and Fill State

Primitives that have no textures are rendered with the color specified by their material, or with the colors specified for the vertices, if any. You can select the method to fill them by specifying a value defined by the CONST_D3DFILLMODE enumeration for the D3DRS_FILLMODE render state.

To enable dithering, your application must pass the D3DRS_DITHERENABLE enumerated value as the first parameter to Direct3DDevice8.SetRenderState. It must set the second parameter to 1 to enable dithering, and 0 to disable it.

At times, drawing the last pixel in a line can cause unsightly overlap with surrounding primitives. You can control this using the D3DRS_LASTPIXEL enumerated value. However, do not alter this setting without some forethought. Under some conditions, suppressing the rendering of the last pixel can cause unsightly gaps between primitives.

By default, Microsoft® Direct3D® devices use a solid outline for primitives. The outline pattern can be changed using the D3DLINEPATTERN type. For details, see the D3DRS_LINEPATTERN render state.