Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic)

Step 1: Creating a Form

A Microsoft® Visual Basic® form serves as your application window. Set the properties for your form in the following manner:

BorderStyle     =   2 - Sizeable
Caption         =   "Create Device"
Height          =   3600
Left            =   0
Top             =   0
Width           =   4800
LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
MaxButton       =   True
MinButton       =   True
ScaleHeight     =   3195
ScaleMode       =   1 - Twip
ScaleWidth      =   254
StartUpPosition =   3 - Windows Default 

To display your application window, include the following line in your Form_Load procedure:


With the application window ready, you can begin initializing the main Microsoft DirectX® objects, as described in Step 2: Initializing Direct3D.