Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) |
Defined to enable or disable texture wrapping based on the zero-based integer of a texture coordinate set.
Microsoft® Direct3D® defines the D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS constant as a convenience for applications to enable or disable texture wrapping based on the zero-based integer of a texture coordinate set (rather than explicitly using one of the D3DRS_WRAPn state values). Add the D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS value to the zero-based index of a texture coordinate set to calculate the D3DRS_WRAPn value that corresponds to that index, as shown in the following example:
On Local Error Resume Next ' Enable U/V wrapping for textures that use the texture ' coordinate set at the index within the lIndex variable. Call d3dDevice8.SetRenderState( _ lIndex + D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS, _ D3DWRAPCOORD_0 Or D3DWRAPCOORD_1) ' If lIndex is 3, the value that results from ' the addition equates to D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAP3 (131). If Err.Number <> DD_OK Then ' Code to handle error goes here. End If