Assembles an ASCII description of a pixel or vertex shader into binary form.
object.AssembleShaderFromFile( _
SrcFile As String, _
Flags As Long, _
ErrLog As String, _
Constants As D3DXBuffer) As D3DXBuffer
- object
- Object expression that resolves to a D3DX8 object.
- SrcFile
- Source file name.
- Flags
- A combination of the members of the CONST_D3DXASM type, specifying assembly options.
- ErrLog
- Contains ASCII error messages.
- Constants
- D3DXBuffer object, to be filled with the constant declarations. These constants are returned as a vertex shader declaration fragment. It is up to the application to insert the contents of this buffer into their declaration. For pixel shaders this parameter is meaningless because constant declarations are included in the assembled shader. This parameter is ignored if it is NULL.
Return Values
Returns a D3DXBuffer object, containing the compiled object code.
Error Codes
If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number can be set to one of the following values.
For information on trapping errors, see the Microsoft® Visual Basic® Error Handling topic.