Saves a progressive mesh to a file.
object.SavePMeshToFile( _
Filename As String, _
Mesh As D3DXPMesh, _
MaterialArray As D3DXMATERIAL, _
MaterialCount As Long)
- object
- Object expression that resolves to a D3DX8 object.
- Filename
- String that specifies the name of the file to which to save the progressive mesh.
- Mesh
- D3DXPMesh object, representing the progressive mesh to be saved to a file.
- MaterialArray
- First element of an array of D3DXMATERIAL types, containing material information to be saved in the file.
- MaterialCount
- Number of D3DXMATERIAL types in MaterialArray.
Error Codes
If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number can be set to D3DXERR_INVALIDMESH.
For information on trapping errors, see the Microsoft® Visual Basic® Error Handling topic.
See Also