Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic)


The GetObjectInPath method retrieves an object in the audiopath of the buffer. Typically this method is used to retrieve an object representing a sound effect in a buffer or DMO.


object.GetObjectinPath( _
  guidFX As String, _
  lIndex As Long, _
  iidInterface As String _
) As Unknown



Resolves to a DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8 object.


String that specifies the unique identifier for the effect class. See Remarks. Can be one of the members of the AUDIOSTRINGCONSTANTS module that begins with DSFX, or a GUID in string form. See Remarks.


Value of type Long that specifies the index of the object within objects of that class in the path. This is the index of the object in the array of effects passed to DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8.SetFX. This is not necessarily the actual position of the object in the effects chain, because some effects might not have been created.


String that specifies the unique identifier of the class of the returned object. Can be one of the members of the AUDIOSTRINGCONSTANTS module that begins with IID, or a GUID in string form. See Remarks.

Return Values

Returns an object representing the effect.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised. Possible values for Err.Number include DSERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND.


The following table shows the standard effects objects that can be retrieved from a buffer on which the effects have been set.

guidFX iidInterface Returned object
DSFX_STANDARD_CHORUS IID_DirectSoundFXChorus DirectSoundFXChorus8
DSFX_STANDARD_COMPRESSOR IID_DirectSoundFXCompressor DirectSoundFXCompressor8
DSFX_STANDARD_DISTORTION IID_DirectSoundFXDistortion DirectSoundFXDistortion8
DSFX_STANDARD_ECHO IID_DirectSoundFXEcho DirectSoundFXEcho8
DSFX_STANDARD_FLANGER IID_DirectSoundFXFlanger DirectSoundFXFlanger8
DSFX_STANDARD_GARGLE IID_DirectSoundFXGargle DirectSoundFXGargle8
DSFX_STANDARD_PARAMEQ IID_DirectSoundFXParamEq DirectSoundFXParamEq8
DSFX_STANDARD_WAVES_REVERB IID_DirectSoundFXWavesReverb DirectSoundFXWavesReverb8

Any DMO that has been set on a buffer by using DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8.SetFX can be retrieved, even it has not been allocated resources.

See Also