Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break Handlers

In the discussion of keyboard input with the MS-DOS handle and traditional functions, I made some passing references to the fact that Ctrl-C entries can interfere with the expected behavior of those functions. Let's look at this subject in more detail now.

During most character I/O operations, MS-DOS checks for a Ctrl-C (ASCII code 03H) waiting at the keyboard and executes an Int 23H if one is detected. If the system break flag is on, MS-DOS also checks for a Ctrl-C entry during certain other operations (such as file reads and writes). Ordinarily, the Int 23H vector points to a routine that simply terminates the currently active process and returns control to the parent process—— usually the MS-DOS command interpreter.

In other words, if your program is executing and you enter a Ctrl-C, accidentally or intentionally, MS-DOS simply aborts the program. Any files the program has opened using file control blocks will not be closed properly, any interrupt vectors it has altered may not be restored correctly, and if it is performing any direct I/O operations (for example, if it contains an interrupt driver for the serial port), all kinds of unexpected events may occur.

Although you can use a number of partially effective methods to defeat Ctrl-C checking, such as performing keyboard input with Int 21H Functions 06H and 07H, placing all character devices into binary mode, or turning off the system break flag with Int 21H Function 33H, none of these is completely foolproof. The simplest and most elegant way to defeat Ctrl-C checking is simply to substitute your own Int 23H handler, which can take some action appropriate to your program. When the program terminates, MS-DOS automatically restores the previous contents of the Int 23H vector from information saved in the program segment prefix. The following example shows how to install your own Ctrl-C handler (which in this case does nothing at all):

push ds ; save data segment

; set int 23h vector...

mov ax,2523h ; function 25h = set interrupt

; int 23h = vector for

; Ctrl-C handler

mov dx,seg handler ; DS:DX = handler address

mov ds,dx

mov dx,offset handler

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

pop ds ; restore data segment




handler: ; a Ctrl-C handler

iret ; that does nothing

The first part of the code (which alters the contents of the Int 23H vector) would be executed in the initialization part of the application. The handler receives control whenever MS-DOS detects a Ctrl-C at the keyboard. (Because this handler consists only of an interrupt return, the Ctrl-C will remain in the keyboard input stream and will be passed to the application when it requests a character from the keyboard, appearing on the screen as ^C.)

When an Int 23H handler is called, MS-DOS is in a stable state. Thus, the handler can call any MS-DOS function. It can also reset the segment registers and the stack pointer and transfer control to some other point in the application without ever returning control to MS-DOS with an IRET.

On IBM PC compatibles, an additional interrupt handler must be taken into consideration. Whenever the ROM BIOS keyboard driver detects the key combination Ctrl-Break, it calls a handler whose address is stored in the vector for Int 1BH. The default ROM BIOS Int 1BH handler does nothing. MS-DOS alters the Int 1BH vector to point to its own handler, which sets a flag and returns; the net effect is to remap the Ctrl-Break into a Ctrl-C that is forced ahead of any other characters waiting in the keyboard buffer.

Taking over the Int 1BH vector in an application is somewhat tricky but extremely useful. Because the keyboard is interrupt driven, a press of Ctrl-Break lets the application regain control under almost any circumstance——often, even if the program has crashed or is in an endless loop.

You cannot, in general, use the same handler for Int 1BH that you use for Int 23H. The Int 1BH handler is more limited in what it can do, because it has been called as a result of a hardware interrupt and MS-DOS may have been executing a critical section of code at the time the interrupt was serviced. Thus, all registers except CS:IP are in an unknown state; they may have to be saved and then modified before your interrupt handler can execute. Similarly, the depth of the stack in use when the Int 1BH handler is called is unknown, and if the handler is to perform stack-intensive operations, it may have to save the stack segment and the stack pointer and switch to a new stack that is known to have sufficient depth.

In normal application programs, you should probably avoid retaining control in an Int 1BH handler, rather than performing an IRET. Because of subtle differences among non-IBM ROM BIOSes, it is difficult to predict the state of the keyboard controller and the 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) when the Int 1BH handler begins executing. Also, MS-DOS itself may not be in a stable state at the point of interrupt, a situation that can manifest itself in unexpected critical errors during subsequent I/O operations. Finally, MS-DOS versions 3.2 and later allocate a stack from an internal pool for use by the Int 09H handler. If the Int 1BH handler never returns, the Int 09H handler never returns either, and repeated entries of Ctrl-Break will eventually exhaust the stack pool, halting the system.

Because Int 1BH is a ROM BIOS interrupt and not an MS-DOS interrupt, MS-DOS does not restore the previous contents of the Int 1BH vector when a program exits. If your program modifies this vector, it must save the original value and restore it before terminating. Otherwise, the vector will be left pointing to some random area in the next program that runs, and the next time the user presses Ctrl-Break a system crash is the best you can hope for.