Int 21H [1.0] Function 0AH (10) Buffered keyboard input

[1] Reads a line from the keyboard and places it in a user-designated buffer. The characters are echoed to the display.

[2.0+] Reads a string of bytes from the standard input device, up to and including an ASCII carriage return (0DH), and places them in a user-designated buffer. The characters are echoed to the standard output device. Input may be redirected. (If input has been redirected, there is no way to detect EOF.)

Call with:

AH = 0AH

DS:DX = segment:offset of buffer


Nothing (data placed in buffer)


The buffer used by this function has the following format:

Byte Contents 0 maximum number of characters to read, set by program 1 number of characters actually read (excluding carriage return), set by MS-DOS 2+ string read from keyboard or standard input, terminated by a carriage return (0DH)

If the buffer fills to one fewer than the maximum number of characters it can hold, subsequent input is ignored and the bell is sounded until a carriage return is detected.

This input function is buffered with type-ahead capability, and all of the standard keyboard editing commands are active.

If the standard input is not redirected, and a Ctrl-C is detected at the console, an Int 23H is executed. If the standard input is redirected, a Ctrl-C is detected at the console, and BREAK is ON, an Int 23H is executed.

See Int 21H Functions 01H, 06H, 07H, and 08H for single-character input from the keyboard or standard input device.

[2.0+] You can also read strings from the keyboard by performing a read (Int 21H Function 3FH) using the predefined handle for the standard input (0000H), if it has not been redirected, or a handle obtained by opening the logical device CON.


Read a string that is a maximum of 80 characters long from the standard input device, placing it in the buffer named buff.

buff db 81 ; maximum length of input

db 0 ; actual length of input

db 81 dup (0) ; actual input placed here




mov ah,0ah ; function number

mov dx,seg buff ; input buffer address

mov ds,dx

mov dx,offset buff

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS


