Int 21H [1.0] Function 0DH (13) Disk reset

Flushes all file buffers. All data that has been logically written by user programs, but has been temporarily buffered within MS-DOS, is physically written to the disk.

Call with:

AH = 0DH




This function does not update the disk directory for any files that are still open. If your program fails to properly close all files before the disk is removed, and files have changed size, the data forced out to the disk by this function may still be inaccessible because the directory entries will not be correct.

[3.3+] Int 21H Function 68H (Commit File) should be used in preference to this function, since it also updates the disk directory.


Flush all MS-DOS internal disk buffers.




mov ah,0dh ; function number

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS


