The simple terminal-emulator program TALK.ASM (Figure 7-1) is an example of a useful program that performs screen, keyboard, and serial-port I/O. This program recapitulates all of the topics discussed in Chapters 5 through 7. TALK uses the IBM PC's ROM BIOS video driver to put characters on the screen, to clear the display, and to position the cursor; it uses the MS-DOS character-input calls to read the keyboard; and it contains its own interrupt driver for the serial-port controller.
name talk
page 55,132
.lfcond ; List false conditionals too
title TALK--Simple terminal emulator
; TALK.ASM--Simple IBM PC terminal emulator
; Copyright Ó 1988 Ray Duncan
; To assemble and link this program into TALK.EXE:
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
stderr equ 2 ; standard error handle
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII linefeed
bsp equ 08h ; ASCII backspace
escape equ 1bh ; ASCII escape code
dattr equ 07h ; display attribute to use
; while in emulation mode
bufsiz equ 4096 ; size of serial-port buffer
echo equ 0 ; 0 = full-duplex, -1 = half-duplex
equ -1
false equ 0
com1 equ true ; use COM1 if nonzero
com2 equ not com1 ; use COM2 if nonzero
pic_mask equ 21h ; 8259 interrupt mask port
pic_eoi equ 20h ; 8259 EOI port
if com1
com_data equ 03f8h ; port assignments for COM1
com_ier equ 03f9h
com_mcr equ 03fch
com_sts equ 03fdh
com_int equ 0ch ; COM1 interrupt number
int_mask equ 10h ; IRQ4 mask for 8259
if com2
com_data equ 02f8h ; port assignments for COM2
com_ier equ 02f9h
com_mcr equ 02fch
com_sts equ 02fdh
com_int equ 0bh ; COM2 interrupt number
int_mask equ 08h ; IRQ3 mask for 8259
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA,es:_DATA,ss:STACK
talk proc far ; entry point from MS-DOS
mov ax,_DATA ; make data segment addressable
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; initialize display for
; terminal emulator mode...
mov ah,15 ; get display width and
int 10h ; current display mode
dec ah ; save display width for use
mov columns,ah ; by the screen-clear routine
cmp al,7 ; enforce text display mode
je talk2 ; mode 7 ok, proceed
cmp al,3
jbe talk2 ; modes 0-3 ok, proceed
mov dx,offset msg1
mov cx,msg1_len
jmp talk6 ; print error message and exit
talk2: mov bh,dattr ; clear screen and home cursor
call cls
call asc_enb ; capture serial-port interrupt
; vector and enable interrupts
mov dx,offset msg2 ; display message
mov cx,msg2_len ; 'terminal emulator running'
mov bx,stdout ; BX = standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write file or device
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
talk3: call pc_stat ; keyboard character waiting?
jz talk4 ; nothing waiting, jump
call pc_in ; read keyboard character
cmp al,0 ; is it a function key?
jne talk32 ; not function key, jump
call pc_in ; function key, discard 2nd
; character of sequence
jmp talk5 ; then terminate program
talk32: ; keyboard character received
if echo
push ax ; if half-duplex, echo
call pc_out ; character to PC display
pop ax
call com_out ; write char to serial port
talk4: call com_stat ; serial-port character waiting?
jz talk3 ; nothing waiting, jump
call com_in ; read serial-port character
cmp al,20h ; is it control code?
jae talk45 ; jump if not
call ctrl_code ; control code, process it
jmp talk3 ; check keyboard again
talk45: ; noncontrol char received,
call pc_out ; write it to PC display
jmp talk4 ; see if any more waiting
talk5: ; function key detected,
; prepare to terminate...
mov bh,07h ; clear screen and home cursor
call cls
mov dx,offset msg3 ; display farewell message
mov cx,msg3_len
talk6: push dx ; save message address
push cx ; and message length
call asc_dsb ; disable serial-port interrupts
; and release interrupt vector
pop cx ; restore message length
pop dx ; and address
mov bx,stdout ; handle for standard output
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write device
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov ax,4c00h ; terminate program with
int 21h ; return code = 0
talk endp
com_stat proc near ; check asynch status; returns
; Z = false if character ready
; Z = true if nothing waiting
push ax
mov ax,asc_in ; compare ring buffer pointers
cmp ax,asc_out
pop ax
ret ; return to caller
stat endp
com_in proc near ; get character from serial-
; port buffer; returns
; new character in AL
push bx ; save register BX
com_in1: ; if no char waiting, wait
mov bx,asc_out ; until one is received
cmp bx,asc_in
je com_in1 ; jump, nothing waiting
mov al,[bx+asc_buf] ; character is ready,
; extract it from buffer
inc bx ; update buffer pointer
cmp bx,bufsiz
jne com_in2
xor bx,bx ; reset pointer if wrapped
mov asc_out,bx ; store updated pointer
pop bx ; restore register BX
ret ; and return to caller
com_in endp
com_out proc near ; write character in AL
; to serial port
push dx ; save register DX
push ax ; save character to send
mov dx,com_sts ; DX = status port address
com_out1: ; check if transmit buffer
in al,dx ; is empty (TBE bit = set)
and al,20h
jz com_out1 ; no, must wait
pop ax ; get character to send
mov dx,com_data ; DX = data port address
out dx,al ; transmit the character
pop dx ; restore register DX
ret ; and return to caller
com_out endp
pc_stat proc near ; read keyboard status; returns
; Z = false if character ready
; Z = true if nothing waiting
; register DX destroyed
mov al,in_flag ; if character already
or al,al ; waiting, return status
jnz pc_stat1
mov ah,6 ; otherwise call MS-DOS to
mov dl,0ffh ; determine keyboard status
int 21h
jz pc_stat1 ; jump if no key ready
mov in_char,al ; got key, save it for
mov in_flag,0ffh ; "pc_in" routine
pc_stat1: ; return to caller with
ret ; Z flag set appropriately
pc_stat endp
pc_in proc near ; read keyboard character,
; return it in AL
; DX may be destroyed
mov al,in_flag ; key already waiting?
or al,al
jnz pc_in1 ; yes, return it to caller
call pc_stat ; try to read a character
jmp pc_in
pc_in1: mov in_flag,0 ; clear char-waiting flag
mov al,in_char ; and return AL = character
pc_in endp
pc_out proc near ; write character in AL
; to the PC's display
mov ah,0eh ; ROM BIOS function 0eh =
; "teletype output"
push bx ; save register BX
xor bx,bx ; assume page 0
int 10h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
pop bx ; restore register BX
ret ; and return to caller
pc_out endp
cls proc near ; clear display using
; char attribute in BH
; registers AX, CX,
; and DX destroyed
mov dl,columns ; set DL,DH = X,Y of
mov dh,24 ; lower right corner
mov cx,0 ; set CL,CH = X,Y of
; upper left corner
mov ax,600h ; ROM BIOS function 06h =
; "scroll or initialize
; window"
int 10h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
call home ; set cursor at (0,0)
ret ; and return to caller
cls endp
clreol proc near ; clear from cursor to end
; of line using attribute
; in BH, registers AX, CX,
; and DX destroyed
call getxy ; get current cursor position
mov cx,dx ; current position = "upper
; left corner" of window;
mov dl,columns ; "lower right corner" X is
; max columns, Y is same
; as upper left corner
mov ax,600h ; ROM BIOS function 06h =
; "scroll or initialize
; window"
int 10h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
ret ; return to caller
clreol endp
home proc near ; put cursor at home position
mov dx,0 ; set (X,Y) = (0,0)
call gotoxy ; position the cursor
ret ; return to caller
home endp
gotoxy proc near ; position the cursor
; call with DL = X, DH = Y
push bx ; save registers
push ax
mov bh,0 ; assume page 0
mov ah,2 ; ROM BIOS function 02h =
; set cursor position
int 10h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
pop ax ; restore registers
pop bx
ret ; and return to caller
gotoxy endp
getxy proc near ; get cursor position,
; returns DL = X, DH = Y
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
mov ah,3 ; ROM BIOS function 03h =
; get cursor position
mov bh,0 ; assume page 0
int 10h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
pop cx ; restore registers
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; and return to caller
getxy endp
ctrl_code proc near ; process control code
; call with AL = char
cmp al,cr ; if carriage return
je ctrl8 ; just send it
cmp al,lf ; if linefeed
je ctrl8 ; just send it
cmp al,bsp ; if backspace
je ctrl8 ; just send it
cmp al,26 ; is it cls control code?
jne ctrl7 ; no, jump
mov bh,dattr ; cls control code, clear
call cls ; screen and home cursor
jmp ctrl9
cmp al,escape ; is it Escape character?
jne ctrl9 ; no, throw it away
call esc_seq ; yes, emulate CRT terminal
jmp ctrl9
ctrl8: call pc_out ; send CR, LF, or backspace
; to the display
ctrl9: ret ; return to caller
ctrl_code endp
esc_seq proc near ; decode Televideo 950 escape
; sequence for screen control
call com_in ; get next character
cmp al,84 ; is it clear to end of line?
jne esc_seq1 ; no, jump
mov bh,dattr ; yes, clear to end of line
call clreol
jmp esc_seq2 ; then exit
cmp al,61 ; is it cursor positioning?
jne esc_seq2 ; no jump
call com_in ; yes, get Y parameter
sub al,33 ; and remove offset
mov dh,al
call com_in ; get X parameter
sub al,33 ; and remove offset
mov dl,al
call gotoxy ; position the cursor
esc_seq2: ; return to caller
esc_seq endp
asc_enb proc near ; capture serial-port interrupt
; vector and enable interrupt
; save address of previous
; interrupt handler...
mov ax,3500h+com_int ; function 35h = get vector
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov word ptr oldvec+2,es
mov word ptr oldvec,bx
; now install our handler...
push ds ; save our data segment
mov ax,cs ; set DS:DX = address
mov ds,ax ; of our interrupt handler
mov dx,offset asc_int
mov ax,2500h+com_int ; function 25h = set vector
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop ds ; restore data segment
mov dx,com_mcr ; set modem-control register
mov al,0bh ; DTR and OUT2 bits
out dx,al
mov dx,com_ier ; set interrupt-enable
mov al,1 ; register on serial-
out dx,al ; port controller
in al,pic_mask ; read current 8259 mask
and al,not int_mask ; set mask for COM port
out pic_mask,al ; write new 8259 mask
ret ; back to caller
asc_enb endp
asc_dsb proc near ; disable interrupt and
; release interrupt vector
in al,pic_mask ; read current 8259 mask
or al,int_mask ; reset mask for COM port
out pic_mask,al ; write new 8259 mask
push ds ; save our data segment
lds dx,oldvec ; load address of
; previous interrupt handler
mov ax,2500h+com_int ; function 25h = set vector
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop ds ; restore data segment
ret ; back to caller
asc_dsb endp
asc_int proc far ; interrupt service routine
; for serial port
sti ; turn interrupts back on
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov ax,_DATA ; make our data segment
mov ds,ax ; addressable
cli ; clear interrupts for
; pointer manipulation
mov dx,com_data ; DX = data port address
in al,dx ; read this character
mov bx,asc_in ; get buffer pointer
mov [asc_buf+bx],al ; store this character
inc bx ; bump pointer
cmp bx,bufsiz ; time for wrap?
jne asc_int1 ; no, jump
xor bx,bx ; yes, reset pointer
asc_int1: ; store updated pointer
mov asc_in,bx
sti ; turn interrupts back on
mov al,20h ; send EOI to 8259
out pic_eoi,al
pop ds ; restore all registers
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
iret ; return from interrupt
asc_int endp
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
in_char db 0 ; PC keyboard input char
in_flag db 0 ; <>0 if char waiting
columns db 0 ; highest numbered column in
; current display mode (39 or 79)
msg1 db cr,lf
db 'Display must be text mode.'
db cr,lf
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db 'Terminal emulator running...'
db cr,lf
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db 'Exit from terminal emulator.'
db cr,lf
msg3_len equ $-msg3
oldvec dd 0 ; original contents of serial-
; port interrupt vector
asc_in dw 0 ; input pointer to ring buffer
asc_out dw 0 ; output pointer to ring buffer
asc_buf db bufsiz dup (?) ; communications buffer
_DATA ends
STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db 128 dup (?)
STACK ends
end talk ; defines entry point
Figure 7-1. TALK.ASM: A simple terminal-emulator program for IBM PC—compatible computers. This program demonstrates use of the MS-DOS and ROM BIOS video and keyboard functions and direct control of the serial-communications adapter.
The TALK program illustrates the methods that an application should use to take over and service interrupts from the serial port without running afoul of MS-DOS conventions.
The program begins with some equates and conditional assembly statements that configure the program for half- or full-duplex and for the desired serial port (COM1 or COM2). At entry from MS-DOS, the main routine of the program——the procedure named talk——checks the status of the serial port, initializes the display, and calls the asc_enb routine to take over the serial-port interrupt vector and enable interrupts. The talk procedure then enters a loop that reads the keyboard and sends the characters out the serial port and then reads the serial port and puts the characters on the display——in other words, it causes the PC to emulate a simple CRT terminal.
The TALK program intercepts and handles control codes (carriage return, linefeed, and so forth) appropriately. It detects escape sequences and handles them as a subset of the Televideo 950 terminal capabilities. (You can easily modify the program to emulate any other cursor-addressable terminal.) When one of the PC's special function keys is pressed, the program disables serial-port interrupts, releases the serial-port interrupt vector, and exits back to MS-DOS.
There are several TALK program procedures that are worth your attention because they can easily be incorporated into other programs. These are listed in the table on the following page.
Procedure Action
asc_enb Takes over the serial-port interrupt vector and enables
interrupts by writing to the modem-control register of
the INS8250 and the interrupt-mask register of the
asc_dsb Restores the original state of the serial-port
interrupt vector and disables interrupts by writing to
the interrupt-mask register of the 8259A.
asc_int Services serial-port interrupts, placing received
characters into a ring buffer.
com_stat Tests whether characters from the serial port are
waiting in the ring buffer.
com_in Removes characters from the interrupt handler's ring
buffer and increments the buffer pointers
com_out Sends one character to the serial port.
cls Calls the ROM BIOS video driver to clear the screen.
clreol Calls the ROM BIOS video driver to clear from the
current cursor position to the end of the line.
home Places the cursor in the upper left corner of the
gotoxy Positions the cursor at the desired position on the
getxy Obtains the current cursor position.
pc_out Sends one character to the PC's display.
pc_stat Gets status for the PC's keyboard.
pc_in Returns a character from the PC's keyboard.