Chapter 8 File Management

The dual heritage of MS-DOS——CP/M and UNIX/XENIX——is perhaps most clearly demonstrated in its file-management services. In general, MS-DOS provides at least two distinct operating-system calls for each major file or record operation. This chapter breaks this overlapping battery of functions into two groups and explains the usage, advantages, and disadvantages of each.

I will refer to the set of file and record functions that are compatible with CP/M as FCB functions. These functions rely on a data structure called a file control block (hence, FCB) to maintain certain bookkeeping information about open files. This structure resides in the application program's memory space. The FCB functions allow the programmer to create, open, close, and delete files and to read or write records of any size at any record position within such files. These functions do not support the hierarchical (treelike) file structure that was first introduced in MS-DOS version 2.0, so they can be used only to access files in the current subdirectory for a given disk drive.

I will refer to the set of file and record functions that provide compatibility with UNIX/XENIX as the handle functions. These functions allow the programmer to open or create files by passing MS-DOS a null-terminated string that describes the file's location in the hierarchical file structure (the drive and path), the file's name, and its extension. If the open or create operation is successful, MS-DOS returns a 16-bit token, or handle, that is saved by the application program and used to specify the file in subsequent operations.

When you use the handle functions, the operating system maintains the data structures that contain bookkeeping information about the file inside its own memory space, and these structures are not accessible to the application program. The handle functions fully support the hierarchical file structure, allowing the programmer to create, open, close, and delete files in any subdirectory on any disk drive and to read or write records of any size at any byte offset within such files.

Although we are discussing the FCB functions first in this chapter for historical reasons, new MS-DOS applications should always be written using the more powerful handle functions. Use of the FCB functions in new programs should be avoided, unless compatibility with MS-DOS version 1.0 is needed.