FCB File-Access Skeleton

The following is a typical program sequence to access a file using the FCB, or traditional, functions (Figure 8-4):

1.Zero out the prospective FCB.

2.Obtain the filename from the user, from the default FCBs, or from the command tail in the PSP.

3.If the filename was not obtained from one of the default FCBs, parse the filename into the new FCB using Int 21H Function 29H.

4.Open the file (Int 21H Function 0FH) or, if writing new data only, create the file or truncate any existing file of the same name to zero length (Int 21H Function 16H).

5.Set the record-size field in the FCB, unless you are using the default record size. Recall that it is important to do this after a successful open or create operation. (See Figure 8-5.)

6.Set the relative-record field in the FCB if you are performing random record I/O.

7.Set the disk transfer area address using Int 21H Function 1AH, unless the buffer address has not been changed since the last call to this function. If the application never performs a set DTA, the DTA address defaults to offset 0080H in the PSP.

8.Request the needed read- or write-record operation (Int 21H Function 14H—Sequential Read, 15H—Sequential Write, 21H—Random Read, 22H—Random Write, 27H—Random Block Read, 28H—Random Block Write).

9.If the program is not finished processing the file, go to step 6; otherwise, close the file (Int 21H Function 10H). If the file was used for reading only, you can skip the close operation under early versions of MS-DOS. However, this shortcut can cause problems under MS-DOS versions 3.0 and later, especially when the files are being accessed across a network.

recsize equ 1024 ; file record size




mov ah,29h ; parse input filename

mov al,1 ; skip leading blanks

mov si,offset fname1 ; address of filename

mov di,offset fcb1 ; address of FCB

int 21h

or al,al ; jump if name

jnz name_err ; was bad




mov ah,29h ; parse output filename

mov al,1 ; skip leading blanks

mov si,offset fname2 ; address of filename

mov di,offset fcb2 ; address of FCB

int 21h

or al,al ; jump if name

jnz name_err ; was bad




mov ah,0fh ; open input file

mov dx,offset fcb1

int 21h

or al,al ; open successful?

jnz no_file ; no, jump




mov ah,16h ; create and open

mov dx,offset fcb2 ; output file

int 21h

or al,al ; create successful?

jnz disk_full ; no, jump



. ; set record sizes

mov word ptr fcb1+0eh,recsize

mov word ptr fcb2+0eh,recsize




mov ah,1ah ; set disk transfer

mov dx,offset buffer ; address for reads

int 21h ; and writes


next: . ; process next record


mov ah,14h ; sequential read from

mov dx,offset fcb1 ; input file

int 21h

cmp al,01 ; check for end of file

je file_end ; jump if end of file

cmp al,03

je file_end ; jump if end of file

or al,al ; other read fault?

jnz bad_read ; jump if bad read




mov ah,15h ; sequential write to

mov dx,offset fcb2 ; output file

int 21h

or al,al ; write successful?

jnz bad_write ; jump if write failed




jmp next ; process next record


file_end: . ; reached end of input


mov ah,10h ; close input file

mov dx,offset fcb1

int 21h




mov ah,10h ; close output file

mov dx,offset fcb2

int 21h




mov ax,4c00h ; exit with return

int 21h ; code of zero




fname1 db 'OLDFILE.DAT',0 ; name of input file

fname2 db 'NEWFILE.DAT',0 ; name of output file

fcb1 db 37 dup (0) ; FCB for input file

fcb2 db 37 dup (0) ; FCB for output file

buffer db recsize dup (?) ; buffer for file I/O

Figure 8-4. Skeleton of an assembly-language program that performs file and record I/O using the FCB family of functions.

Figure 8-5. A typical file control block before and after a successful open call (Int 21H Function 0FH).

Please refer to the printed book for this figure.