Shrinking the Initial Memory Allocation

Although many MS-DOS application programs simply assume they own all memory, this assumption is a relic of MS-DOS version 1 (and CP/M), which could support only one active process at a time. Well-behaved MS-DOS programs take pains to modify only memory that they actually own and to release any memory that they don't need.

Unfortunately, under current versions of MS-DOS, the amount of memory that a program will own is not easily predicted in advance. It turns out that the amount of memory allocated to a program when it is first loaded depends upon two factors:

The type of file the program is loaded from

The amount of memory available in the TPA

MS-DOS always allocates all of the largest available memory block in the TPA to programs loaded from .COM (memory-image) files. Because .COM programs contain no file header that can pass segment and memory-use information to MS-DOS, MS-DOS simply assumes the worst case and gives such a program everything. MS-DOS will load the program as long as there is an available memory block as large as the size of the file plus 256 bytes for the PSP and 2 bytes for the stack. The .COM program, when it receives control, must determine whether enough memory is available to carry out its functions.

MS-DOS uses more complicated rules to allocate memory to programs loaded from .EXE files. First, of course, a memory block large enough to hold the declared code, data, and stack segments must be available in the TPA. In addition, the linker sets two fields in a .EXE file's header to inform MS-DOS about the program's memory requirements. The first field, MIN_ALLOC, defines the minimum number of paragraphs required by the program, in addition to those for the code, data, and stack segments. The second, MAX_ALLOC, defines the maximum number of paragraphs of additional memory the program would use if they were available.

When loading a .EXE file, MS-DOS first attempts to allocate the number of paragraphs in MAX_ALLOC plus the number of paragraphs required by the program itself. If that much memory is not available, MS-DOS assigns all of the largest available block to the program, provided that this is at least the amount specified by MIN_ALLOC plus the size of the program image. If that condition is not satisfied, the program cannot be executed.

After a .COM or .EXE program is loaded and running, it can use Int 21H Function 4AH (Resize Memory Block) to release all the memory it does not immediately need. This is conveniently done right after the program receives control from MS-DOS, by calling the resize function with the segment of the program's PSP in the ES register and the number of paragraphs that the program requires to run in the BX register (Figure 11-1).




org 100h

main proc near ; entry point from MS-DOS

; DS, ES = PSP address

mov sp,offset stk ; COM program must move

; stack to safe area

; release extra memory...

mov ah,4ah ; function 4Ah =

; resize memory block

; BX = paragraphs to keep

mov bx,(offset stk - offset main + 10FH) / 16

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

jc error ; jump if resize failed




main endp




dw 64 dup (?) ; new stack area

stk equ $ ; new base of stack

end main ; defines entry point

Figure 11-1. An example of a .COM program releasing excess memory after it receives control from MS-DOS. Int 21H Function 4AH is called with ES pointing to the program's PSP and BX containing the number of paragraphs that the program needs to execute. In this case, the new size for the program's memory block is calculated as the program image size plus the size of the PSP (256 bytes), rounded up to the next paragraph. .EXE programs use similar code.