Initializes a specified window of the display to ASCII blank characters with a given attribute, or scrolls down the contents of a window by a specified number of lines.
Call with:
AH = 07H
AL = number of lines to scroll (if zero, entire window is
BH = attribute to be used for blanked area
CH = y coordinate, upper left corner of window
CL = x coordinate, upper left corner of window
DH = y coordinate, lower right corner of window
DL = x coordinate, lower right corner of window
In video modes that support multiple pages, this function affects only the page currently being displayed.
If AL contains a value other than 00H, the area within the specified window is scrolled down by the requested number of lines. Text that is scrolled beyond the bottom of the window is lost. The new lines that appear at the top of the window are filled with ASCII blanks carrying the attribute specified by register BH.
To scroll up the contents of a window, see Int 10H Function 06H.