Int 10H [EGA] [MCGA] [VGA] Function 11H (17) Subfunction 30H (48) Get font information

Returns a pointer to the character definition table for a font and the points (bytes per character) and rows for that font.

Call with:

AH = 11H

AL = 30H

BH = font code

00H = current Int 1FH contents

01H = current Int 43H contents

02H = ROM 8-by-14 font (EGA, VGA only)

03H = ROM 8-by-8 font (characters 00H—7FH)

04H = ROM 8-by-8 font (characters 80H—FFH)

05H = ROM alternate 9-by-14 font (EGA, VGA only)

06H = ROM 8-by-16 font (MCGA, VGA only)

07H = ROM alternate 9-by-16 font (VGA only)


CX = points (bytes per character)

DL = rows (character rows on screen - 1)

ES:BP = segment:offset of font table