Returns a code describing the installed display adapter(s) or updates the ROM BIOS's variable describing the installed adapter(s).
Call with:
AH = 1AH
AL = subfunction
00H = get display combination code
01H = set display combination code
BH = inactive display code (if AL = 01H)
BL = active display code (if AL = 01H)
If function supported
AL = 1AH
and, if called with AL = 00H
BH = inactive display code
BL = active display code
The display codes are interpreted as follows:
Code(s) Video subsystem type 00H no display 01H MDA with 5151 monitor 02H CGA with 5153 or 5154 monitor 03H reserved 04H EGA with 5153 or 5154 monitor 05H EGA with 5151 monitor 06H PGA with 5175 monitor 07H VGA with analog monochrome monitor 08H VGA with analog color monitor 09H reserved 0AH MCGA with digital color monitor 0BH MCGA with analog monochrome monitor 0CH MCGA with analog color monitor 0DH—FEH reserved FFH unknown