Obtains information about the current display mode as well as a pointer to a table describing the characteristics and capabilities of the video adapter and monitor.
Call with:
AH = 1BH
BX = implementation type (always 00H)
ES:DI = segment:offset of 64-byte buffer
If function supported
AL = 1BH
and information placed in caller's buffer (see Notes)
The caller's buffer is filled in with information that depends on the current video display mode:
Byte(s) Contents
00H03H pointer to functionality information (see next Note)
04H current video mode
05H06H number of character columns
07H08H length of video refresh buffer (bytes)
09H0AH starting address in buffer of upper left corner of display
0BH1AH cursor position for video pages 07 as eight 2-byte entries;
first byte of each pair is y coordinate, second byte is x
1BH cursor starting line
1CH cursor ending line
1DH active display page
1EH1FH adapter base port address (3BXH monochrome, 3DXH color)
20H current setting of register 3B8H or 3D8H
21H current setting of register 3B9H or 3D9H
22H number of character rows
23H24H character height in scan lines
25H active display code (see Int 10H Function 1AH )
26H inactive display code (see Int 10H Function 1AH )
27H28H number of displayable colors (0 for monochrome)
29H number of display pages
2AH number of scan lines
00H = 200 scan lines
01H = 350 scan lines
02H = 400 scan lines
03H = 480 scan lines
04HFFH = reserved
2BH primary character block (see Int 10H Function 11H Subfunction
03H )
2CH secondary character block
2DH miscellaneous state information
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if all modes on all displays active
(always 0 on MCGA)
1 = 1 if gray-scale summing active
2 = 1 if monochrome display attached
3 = 1 if mode set default palette loading
4 = 1 if cursor emulation active (always 0 on
5 = state of I/B toggle (0 = intensity, 1 =
67 = reserved
2EH30H reserved
31H video memory available
00H = 64 KB
01H = 128 KB
02H = 192 KB
03H = 256 KB
32H save pointer state information
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if 512-character set active
1 = 1 if dynamic save area active
2 = 1 if alpha font override active
3 = 1 if graphics font override active
4 = 1 if palette override active
5 = 1 if display combination code (DCC)
extension active
67 = reserved
33H3FH reserved
Bytes 03 of the caller's buffer contain a DWORD pointer (offset in lower word, segment in upper word) to the following information about the display adapter and monitor:
Byte(s) Contents
00H video modes supported
Bit Significance
0 = 1 if mode 00H supported
1 = 1 if mode 01H supported
2 = 1 if mode 02H supported
3 = 1 if mode 03H supported
4 = 1 if mode 04H supported
5 = 1 if mode 05H supported
6 = 1 if mode 06H supported
7 = 1 if mode 07H supported
01H video modes supported
Bit Significance
0 = 1 if mode 08H supported
1 = 1 if mode 09H supported
2 = 1 if mode 0AH supported
3 = 1 if mode 0BH supported
4 = 1 if mode 0CH supported
5 = 1 if mode 0DH supported
6 = 1 if mode 0EH supported
7 = 1 if mode 0FH supported
02H video modes supported
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if mode 10H supported
1 = 1 if mode 11H supported
2 = 1 if mode 12H supported
3 = 1 if mode 13H supported
47 = reserved
03H06H reserved
07H scan lines available in text modes
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if 200 scan lines
1 = 1 if 350 scan lines
2 = 1 if 400 scan lines
37 = reserved
08H character blocks available in text modes (see Int 10H Function
11H )
09H maximum number of active character blocks in text modes
0AH miscellaneous BIOS capabilities
Bit Significance
0 = 1 if all modes active on all displays
(always 0 for MCGA)
1 = 1 if gray-scale summing available
2 = 1 if character font loading available
3 = 1 if mode set default palette loading
4 = 1 if cursor emulation available
5 = 1 if EGA (64-color) palette available
6 = 1 if color register loading available
7 = 1 if color register paging mode select
0BH miscellaneous BIOS capabilities
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if light pen available
1 = 1 if save/restore video state available
(always 0 on MCGA)
2 = 1 if background intensity/blinking
control available
3 = 1 if get/set display combination code
47 = reserved
0CH0DH reserved
0EH save area capabilities
Bit(s) Significance
0 = 1 if supports 512-character sets
1 = 1 if dynamic save area available
2 = 1 if alpha font override available
3 = 1 if graphics font override available
4 = 1 if palette override available
5 = 1 if display combination code extension
67 = reserved
0FH reserved