Int 67H [EMS 3.0] Function 47H (71) Save page map

Saves the contents of the page-mapping registers on the expanded memory hardware, associating those contents with a particular EMM handle.

Call with:

AH = 47H

DX = EMM handle


If function successful

AH = 00H

If function unsuccessful

AH = error code


This function is used by interrupt handlers or device drivers that must access expanded memory. The EMM handle supplied to this function is the handle that was assigned to the handler or driver during its own initialization sequence, not to the program that was interrupted.

The mapping context is restored by a subsequent call to Int 67H Function 48H.

[EMS 4.0] This function saves only the mapping state for the 64 KB page frame defined in EMS 3. Programs that are written to take advantage of the additional capabilities of EMS 4.0 should use Int 67H Function 4EH or 4FH in preference to this function.