Int 67H [EMS 3.0] Function 4DH (77) Get pages for all handles

Returns an array that contains all the active handles and the number of expanded memory pages associated with each handle.

Call with:

AH = 4DH

ES:DI = segment:offset of buffer (see Notes)


If function successful

AH = 00H

BX = number of active EMM handles

and buffer filled in as described in Notes

If function unsuccessful

AH = error code


The buffer is filled in with a series of DWORD (32-bit) entries, one per active EMM handle. The first word of an entry contains the handle, and the second word contains the number of pages allocated to that handle.

The maximum number of active handles is 256 (including the operating system handle 0), so a buffer size of 1024 bytes is adequate in all cases.