Saves the current page-mapping state of the expanded memory hardware in a buffer and then sets the mapping state using the information in another buffer.
Call with:
AH = 4EH
AL = 02H
DS:SI = segment:offset of buffer containing mapping information
(see Notes)
ES:DI = segment:offset of buffer to receive mapping information
(see Notes)
If function successful
AH = 00H
and buffer pointed to by ES:DI filled in with mapping information (see Notes)
If function unsuccessful
AH = error code
The buffer addressed by DS:SI contains information necessary to restore the state of the mapping registers from a previous call to Int 67H Function 4EH Subfunction 00H or 02H. The format of the information may vary.
The sizes of the buffers required by this function can be determined with Int 67H Function 4EH Subfunction 03H.
Unlike Int 67H Functions 47H and 48H, this function does not require a handle.