Maps one or more of the logical expanded memory pages assigned to a handle onto physical memory pages that can be accessed by the CPU. Physical pages are referenced by their segment addresses.
Call with:
AH = 50H
AL = 01H
CX = number of pages to map
DX = EMM handle
DS:SI = segment:offset of buffer (see Notes)
If function successful
AH = 00H
If function unsuccessful
AH = error code
The buffer contains a series of DWORD (32-bit) entries that control the pages to be mapped. The first word of each entry contains the logical page number, and the second word contains the physical page segment address to which it should be mapped. If the logical page is -1, the physical page is unmapped (made inaccessible for reading or writing).
The mappable segment addresses may be obtained by calling Int 67H Function 58H Subfunction 00H.