Int 67H [EMS 4.0] Function 53H (83) Subfunction 01H Set handle name

Assigns a name to an EMM handle.

Call with:

AH = 53H

AL = 01H

DX = EMM handle

DS:SI = segment:offset of 8-byte name


If function successful

AH = 00H

If function unsuccessful

AH = error code


The bytes in a handle name need not be ASCII characters, but the sequence of 8 zero bytes is reserved for no name (the default after a handle is allocated or deallocated). A handle name should be padded with zero bytes, if necessary, to a length of 8 bytes.

A handle may be renamed at any time.

All handle names are initialized to 8 zero bytes when the system is turned on. The name of a nonvolatile handle is preserved across a warm boot. (See Int 67H Function 52H Subfunctions 00H and 02H.)