Int 67H [EMS 4.0] Function 54H (84) Subfunction 00H Get all handle names

Returns the names for all active handles.

Call with:

AH = 54H

AL = 00H

ES:DI = segment:offset of buffer (see Notes)


If function successful

AH = 00H

AL = number of active handles

and buffer filled in with handle-name information (see Notes)

If function unsuccessful

AH = error code


The function fills the buffer with a series of 10-byte entries. The first 2 bytes of each entry contain an EMM handle, and the next 8 bytes contain the name associated with the handle. Handles that have never been assigned a name have 8 bytes of 0 as a name.

Because there is a maximum of 255 active handles, the buffer need not be longer than 2550 bytes.