Int 21H [1.0] Function 17H (23) Rename file

Alters the name of all matching files in the current directory on the disk in the specified drive.

Call with:

AH = 17H

DS:DX = segment:offset of "special" file control block


If function successful (one or more files renamed)

AL = 00H

If function unsuccessful (no matching files, or new filename matched an existing file)



The special file control block has a drive code, filename, and extension in the usual position (bytes 0 through 0BH) and a second filename starting 6 bytes after the first (offset 11H).

The ? wildcard character can be used in the first filename. Every file matching the first file specification will be renamed to match the second file specification.

If the second file specification contains any ? wildcard characters, the corresponding letters in the first filename are left unchanged.

The function terminates if the new name to be assigned to a file matches that of an existing file.

[2.0+] An extended FCB can be used with this function to rename a directory.

[2.0+] Int 21H Function 56H, which allows full access to the hierarchical directory structure, should be used in preference to this function.


Rename the file OLDNAME.DAT to NEWNAME.DAT.

myfcb db 0 ; drive = default

db 'OLDNAME ' ; old file name, 8 chars

db 'DAT' ; old extension, 3 chars

db 6 dup (0) ; reserved area

db 'NEWNAME ' ; new file name, 8 chars

db 'DAT' ; new extension, 3 chars

db 14 dup (0) ; reserved area




mov ah,17h ; function number

mov dx,seg myfcb ; address of FCB

mov ds,dx

mov dx,offset myfcb

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

or al,al ; check status

jnz error ; jump if rename failed


