Int 21H [1.0] Function 2DH (45) Set time

Initializes the system real-time clock to a specified hour, minute, second, and hundredth of second. The system date is not affected.

Call with:

AH = 2DH

CH = hours (0 through 23)

CL = minutes (0 through 59)

DH = seconds (0 through 59)

DL = hundredths of seconds (0 through 99)


AL = 00H if time set successfully

FFH if time not valid (ignored)


This function's register format is the same as that required for Int 21H Function 2CH (Get Time).


Set the system time according to the contents of the variables hours and minutes. Force the current seconds and hundredths of seconds to zero.

hours db 0

minutes db 0




mov ah,2dh ; function number

mov ch,hours ; get hours (byte)

mov cl,minutes ; get minutes (byte)

mov dx,0 ; force seconds and

; hundredths to zero

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

or al,al ; check status

jnz error ; jump if time invalid


