Int 21H [1.0] Function 2EH (46) Set verify flag

Turns off or turns on the operating-system flag for automatic read-after-write verification of data.

Call with:

AH = 2EH

AL = 00H if turning off verify flag

01H if turning on verify flag

DL = 00H (MS-DOS versions 1 and 2)




Because read-after-write verification slows disk operations, the default setting of the verify flag is OFF.

If a particular disk unit's device driver does not support read-after-write verification, this function has no effect.

The current state of the verify flag can be determined using Int 21H Function 54H.

The state of the verify flag is also controlled by the MS-DOS commands VERIFY OFF and VERIFY ON.


Save the current state of the system verify flag in the variable vflag, then force all subsequent disk writes to be verified.

vflag db 0 ; previous verify flag




; get verify flag

mov ah,54h ; function number

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

mov vflag,al ; save current flag state

; set verify flag

mov ah,2eh ; function number

mov al,1 ; AL = 1 for verify on

mov dl,0 ; DL must be zero

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS


