Obtains selected information about a disk drive, from which the drive's capacity and remaining free space can be calculated.
Call with:
AH = 36H
DL = drive code (0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)
If function successful
AX = sectors per cluster
BX = number of available clusters
CX = bytes per sector
DX = clusters per drive
If function unsuccessful (drive invalid)
This function regards "lost" clusters as being in use and does not report them as part of the number of available clusters, even though they are not assigned to a file.
Similar information is returned by Int 21H Functions 1BH and 1CH.
Calculate the capacity of disk drive C in bytes, leaving the result in the variable drvsize. (This code assumes that the product of sectors/cluster * bytes/sector will not overflow 16 bits.)
drvsize dd ? ; drive C size in bytes . . . mov ah,36h ; function number mov dl,3 ; drive C = 3 int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mul cx ; sectors/cluster
; * bytes/sector
mul dx ; * total clusters
; result now in DX:AX
; store low word
mov word ptr drvsize,ax
; store high word
mov word ptr drvsize+2,dx