Given an ASCIIZ pathname, opens the specified file in the designated or default directory on the designated or default disk drive. A handle is returned which can be used by the program for subsequent access to the file.
Call with:
AH = 3DH
AL = access mode
Bit(s) Significance
0—2 access mode
000 = read access
001 = write access
010 = read/write access
3 reserved (0)
4—6 sharing mode (MS-DOS versions 3.0 and later)
000 = compatibility mode
001 = deny all
010 = deny write
011 = deny read
100 = deny none
7 inheritance flag (MS-DOS versions 3.0 and later)
0 = child process inherits handle
1 = child does not inherit handle
DS:DX = segment:offset of ASCIIZ pathname
If function successful
Carry flag = clear
AX = handle
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
Any normal, system, or hidden file with a matching name will be opened by this function. If the file is read-only, the success of the operation also depends on the access code in bits 0—2 of register AL. After opening the file, the file read/write pointer is set to offset zero (the first byte of the file).
The function fails if:
any element of the pathname does not exist.
the file is opened with an access mode of read/write and the file has the read-only attribute.
[3.0+] SHARE.EXE is loaded and the file has already been opened by one or more other processes in a sharing mode that is incompatible with the current program's request.
The file's date and time stamp can be accessed after a successful open call with Int 21H Function 57H.
The file's attributes (hidden, system, read-only, or archive) can be obtained with Int 21H Function 43H.
When a file handle is inherited by a child process or is duplicated with Int 21H Function 45H or 46H, all sharing and access restrictions are also inherited.
[2] Only bits 0—2 of register AL are significant; the remaining bits should be zero for upward compatibility.
[3.0+] Bits 4—7 of register AL control access to the file by other programs. (Bits 4—6 have no effect unless SHARE.EXE is loaded.)
[3.0+] A file-sharing error causes a critical-error exception (Int 24H) with an error code of 02H. Int 21H Function 59H can be used to obtain information about the sharing violation.
[4.0+] Int 21H Function 6CH combines the services of Functions 3CH, 3DH, and 5BH.
Open the file C:\MYDIR\MYFILE.DAT for both reading and writing, and save the handle for subsequent access to the file.
fname db 'C:\MYDIR\MYFILE.DAT',0
fhandle dw ?
mov ah,3dh ; function number
mov al,2 ; mode = read/write
mov dx,seg fname ; address of pathname
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset fname
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if open failed
mov fhandle,ax ; save file handle