Int 21H [2.0] Function 44H (68) Subfunction 00H IOCTL: get device information

Returns a device information word for the file or device associated with the specified handle.

Call with:

AH = 44H

AL = 00H

BX = handle


If function successful

Carry flag = clear

DX = device information word

For a file:

Bit(s) Significance

0—5 drive number (0 = A, 1 = B, etc.)

6 0 if file has been written

1 if file has not been written

7 0, indicating a file

8—15 reserved

For a device:

Bit(s) Significance

0 1 if standard input

1 1 if standard output

2 1 if NUL device

3 1 if clock device

4 reserved

5 0 if handle in ASCII mode

1 if handle in binary mode

6 0 if end of file on input

7 1, indicating a device

8—13 reserved

14 0 if IOCTL subfunctions 02H and 03H not


1 if IOCTL subfunctions 02H and 03H supported

15 reserved

If function unsuccessful

Carry flag = set

AX = error code


Bits 8—15 of DX correspond to the upper 8 bits of the device-driver attribute word.

Bit 5 of the device information word for a handle associated with a character device signifies whether MS-DOS considers that handle to be in binary ("raw") mode or ASCII ("cooked") mode. In ASCII mode, MS-DOS filters the character stream and may take special action when the characters Ctrl-C, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-P, Ctrl-Z, and carriage return are detected. In binary mode, all characters are treated as data, and the exact number of characters requested is always read or written.


See Int 21H Function 44H Subfunction 01H.