Checks whether the specified block device is local (attached to the computer running the program) or remote (redirected to a network server).
Call with:
AH = 44H
AL = 09H
BL = drive number (0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.)
If function successful
Carry flag = clear
DX = device attribute word
bit 12 = 0 if drive is local
1 if drive is remote
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
Use of this subfunction should be avoided. Application programs should not distinguish between files on local and remote devices.
Check whether drive D is mounted on the machine running the program or is a network drive.
mov ax,4409h ; function & subfunction
mov bl,4 ; drive 4 = D
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if function failed
and dx,1000h ; test local/remote bit
jnz remote ; jump if network drive