Provides a general-purpose mechanism for communication between application programs and character-device drivers.
Call with:
AH = 44H
AL = 0CH
BX = handle
CH = category (major) code:
00H = unknown
01H = COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4 (3.3)
03H = CON (keyboard and display) (3.3)
05H = LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3 (3.2)
CL = function (minor) code:
45H = Set Iteration Count (3.2)
4AH = Select Code Page (3.3)
4CH = Start Code Page Preparation (3.3)
4DH = End Code Page Preparation (3.3)
5FH = Set Display Information (4.0)
65H = Get Iteration Count (3.2)
6AH = Query Selected Code Page (3.3)
6BH = Query Prepare List (3.3)
7FH = Get Display Information (4.0)
DS:DX = segment:offset of parameter block
If function successful
Carry flag = clear
and, if called with CL = 65H, 6AH, 6BH, or 7FH
DS:DX = segment:offset of parameter block
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
If the minor code is 45H (Set Iteration Count) or 65H (Get Iteration Count), the parameter block is simply a 2-byte buffer containing or receiving the iteration count for the printer. This call is valid only for printer drivers that support Output Until Busy, and determines the number of times the device driver will wait for the device to signal ready before returning from the output call.
The parameter block for minor code 4DH (End Code Page Preparation) has the following format:
dw 2 ; length of following data dw 0 ; (reserved)
For MS-DOS version 3.3, the parameter block for minor codes 4AH (Select Code Page) and 6AH (Query Code Page) has the following format:
dw 2 ; length of following data dw ? ; code page ID
For MS-DOS version 4.0, minor codes 4AH and 6AH also set or get the double-byte character set (DBCS) lead byte table, and the following format is used:
dw (n+2)*2+1 ; length of following data
dw ? ; code page ID
db start,end ; DBCS lead byte range 1
db start,end ; DBCS lead byte range n
db 0,0
The parameter block for minor code 4CH (Start Code Page Preparation) has the following format:
dw 0 ; font type ; bit 0 = 0 downloaded ; = 1 cartridge ; bits 1-15 = reserved (0) dw (n+1)*2 ; length of remainder of ; parameter block dw n ; number of code pages in ; the following list dw ? ; code page 1 dw ? ; code page 2 . . . dw ? ; code page n
The parameter block for minor code 6BH (Query Prepare List) has the following format, assuming n hardware code pages and m prepared code pages (n <= 12, m <= 12):
dw (n+m+2)*2 ; length of following data dw n ; number of hardware code pages dw ? ; hardware code page 1 dw ? ; hardware code page 2 . . . dw ? ; hardware code page n dw m ; number of prepared code pages dw ? ; prepared code page 1 dw ? ; prepared code page 2 . . . dw ? ; prepared code page m
After a minor code 4CH (Start Code Page Preparation) call, the data defining the code page font is written to the driver using one or more calls to the IOCTL Write Control Data subfunction (Interrupt 21H, Function 44H, Subfunction 03H). The format of the data is device- and driver-specific. After the font data has been written to the driver, a minor code 4DH (End Code Page Preparation) call must be issued. If no data is written to the driver between the minor code 4CH and 4DH calls, the driver interprets the newly prepared code pages as hardware code pages.
A special variation of the minor code 4CH (Start Code Page Preparation) call, called "Refresh," is required to actually load the peripheral device with the prepared code pages. The refresh operation is obtained by requesting minor code 4CH with each code page position in the parameter block set to -1, followed by an immediate call for minor code 4DH (End Code Page Preparation).
[4.0+] For minor codes 5FH (Set Display Information) and 7FH (Get Display Information), the parameter block is formatted as follows:
db 0 ; level (0 in MS-DOS 4.0) db 0 ; reserved (must be 0) dw 14 ; length of following data dw ? ; control flags ; bit 0 = 0 intensity ; = 1 blink ; bits 1-15 = reserved (0) db ? ; mode type (1 = text, 2 = APA) db 0 ; reserved (must be 0) dw ? ; colors ; 0 = monochrome compatible ; 1 = 2 colors ; 2 = 4 colors ; 4 = 16 colors ; 8 = 256 colors dw ? ; pixel columns dw ? ; pixel rows dw ? ; character columns dw ? ; character rows
Get the current code page for the standard list device.
stdprn equ 4 ; standard list handle
pars dw 2 ; length of data
dw ? ; receives code page
mov ax,440ch ; function & subfunction
mov bx,stdprn ; standard list handle
mov ch,5 ; LPTx category
mov cl,6ah ; query code page
mov dx,seg pars ; parameter block address
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset pars
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if function failed