Int 21H [3.2] Function 44H (68) Subfunction 0FH (15) IOCTL: set logical drive map

Sets the next logical drive code that will be used to reference a block device.

Call with:

AH = 44H

AL = 0FH

BL = drive code (0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.)


If function successful

Carry flag = clear

AL = mapping code

00H if only one logical drive code assigned to the

block device

01H—1AH logical drive code (1 = A, 2 = B, etc.) mapped

to the block device

If function unsuccessful

Carry flag = set

AX = error code


When a physical block device is aliased to more than one logical drive code, this function can be used to inform the driver which drive code will next be used to access the device.


Notify the floppy-disk driver that the next access will be for logical drive B.




mov ax,440fh ; function & subfunction

mov bl,2 ; drive 2 = B

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

jc error ; jump if function failed


