Obtains or modifies the date and time stamp in a file's directory entry.
Call with:
If getting date and time
AH = 57H
AL = 00H
BX = handle
If setting date and time
AH = 57H
AL = 01H
BX = handle
CX = time
bits 00H—04H = 2-second increments (0—29)
bits 05H—0AH = minutes (0—59)
bits 0BH—0FH = hours (0—23)
DX = date
bits 00H—04H = day (1—31)
bits 05H—08H = month (1—12)
bits 09H—0FH = year (relative to 1980)
If function successful
Carry flag = clear
and, if called with AL = 00H
CX = time
DX = date
If function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
The file must have been previously opened or created via a successful call to Int 21H Function 3CH, 3DH, 5AH, 5BH, or 6CH.
If the 16-bit date for a file is set to zero, that file's date and time are not displayed on directory listings.
A date and time set with this function will prevail, even if the file is modified afterwards before the handle is closed.
Get the date that the file MYFILE.DAT was created or last modified, and then decompose the packed date into its constituent parts in the variables month, day, and year.
fname db 'MYFILE.DAT',0
month dw 0
day dw 0
year dw 0
; first open the file
mov ah,3dh ; function number
mov al,0 ; read-only mode
mov dx,seg fname ; filename address
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset fname
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if open failed
; get file date/time
mov bx,ax ; copy handle to BX
mov ah,57h ; function number
mov al,0 ; 0 = get subfunction
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if function failed
mov day,dx ; decompose date
and day,01fh ; isolate day
mov cl,5
shr dx,cl
mov month,dx ; isolate month
and month,0fh
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl ; isolate year
and dx,03fh ; relative to 1980
add dx,1980 ; correct to real year
mov year,dx ; save year
; now close file,
; handle still in BX
mov ah,3eh ; function number
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc error ; jump if close failed