Int 21H [3.1] Function 5EH (94) Subfunction 00H Get machine name

Returns the address of an ASCIIZ (null-terminated) string identifying the local computer. This function call is only available when Microsoft Networks is running.

Call with:

AH = 5EH

AL = 00H

DS:DX = segment:offset of buffer to receive string


If function successful

Carry flag = clear

CH = 00H if name not defined

<> 00H if name defined

CL = netBIOS name number (if CH <> 0)

DX:DX = segment:offset of identifier (if CH <> 0 )

If function unsuccessful

Carry flag = set

AX = error code


The computer identifier is a 15-byte string, padded with spaces and terminated with a null (00H) byte.

The effect of this call is unpredictable if the file-sharing support module is not loaded.


Get the machine name of the local computer into the buffer named mname.

mname db 16 dup (?)




mov ax,5e00h ; function & subfunction

mov dx,seg mname ; address of buffer

mov ds,dx

mov dx,offset mname

int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS

jc error ; jump if function failed

or ch,ch ; make sure name exists

jz error ; jump if no name defined


