Invoked by the ROM BIOS fixed disk, floppy disk, printer, network, and keyboard drivers prior to performing a programmed wait for I/O completion.
Call with:
AH = 90H
AL = device type
00H—7FH serially reusable devices
80H—BFH reentrant devices
C0H—FFH wait-only calls, no corresponding Post function
ES:BX = segment:offset of request block for device types 80H—FFH
If no wait (driver must perform its own time-out)
Carry flag = clear
AH = 00H
If wait was performed
Carry flag = set
Predefined device types are:
00H disk (may time-out) 01H floppy disk (may time-out) 02H keyboard (no time-out) 03H pointing device (PS/2, may time-out) 80H network (no time-out) FCH fixed disk reset (PS/2, may time-out) FDH floppy disk drive motor start (may time-out) FEH printer (may time-out)
For network adapters, ES:BX points to a network control block (NCB).
A multitasking program manager would be expected to capture Int 15H Function 90H so that it can dispatch other tasks while I/O is in progress. The default BIOS routine for this function simply returns with the carry flag clear and AH = 00H.