Int 33H Function 00H Reset mouse and get status

Initializes the mouse driver and returns the driver status. If the mouse pointer was previously visible, it is removed from the screen, and any previously installed user handlers for mouse events are disabled.

Call with:

AX = 0000H


If mouse support is available


BX = number of mouse buttons

If mouse support is not available

AX = 0000H


After a call to this function, the mouse driver is initialized to the following state:

Mouse pointer at screen center (see Int 33H Functions 03H and 04H)

Display page for mouse pointer set to zero (see Int 33H Functions 1DH and 1EH)

Mouse pointer hidden (see Int 33H Functions 01H, 02H, and 10H)

Mouse pointer set to default arrow shape in graphics modes, or reverse block in text modes (see Int 33H Functions 09H and 0AH)

User mouse event handler disabled (see Int 33H Functions 0CH and 14H)

Light pen emulation enabled (see Int 33H Functions 0DH and 0EH)

Horizontal mickeys to pixels ratio at 8 to 8, vertical ratio at 16 to 8 (see Int 33H Function 0FH)

Double speed threshold set to 64 mickeys/second (see Int 33H Function 19H)

Minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical pointer position limits set to include the entire screen in the current display mode (see Int 33H Functions 07H and 08H)