Chapter 14 Installable Device Drivers

Device drivers are the modules of an operating system that control the hardware. They isolate the operating-system kernel from the specific characteristics and idiosyncrasies of the peripheral devices interfaced to the central processor. Thus, the driver's relationship to the kernel is analogous to the operating system's relationship to application programs.

The installable device drivers that were introduced in MS-DOS version 2 give the user great flexibility. They allow the user to customize and configure the computer for a wide range of peripheral devices, with a minimum of troublesome interactions and without having to "patch" the operating system. Even the most inexperienced user can install a new device into a system by plugging in a card, copying a driver file to the boot disk, and editing the system configuration file.

For those inclined to do their own programming, the MS-DOS installable device drivers are interfaced to the hardware-independent kernel through a simple and clearly defined scheme of function codes and data structures. Given adequate information about the hardware, any competent assembly- language programmer can expect to successfully interface even the most bizarre device to MS-DOS without altering the operating system in the slightest and without acquiring any special or proprietary knowledge about its innards.

In retrospect, installable device drivers have proven to be one of the key usability features of MS-DOS. I feel that they have been largely responsible for the rapid proliferation and competitive pricing of high-speed mass-storage devices for MS-DOS machines, and for the growing confidence of the average user toward "tampering with" (upgrading) his or her machine.