Function 0DH (13): Device Open

The device-open function is supported only under MS-DOS versions 3.0 and later and is called only if bit 11 is set in the device attribute word of the device header.

On block devices, the device-open function can be used to manage local buffering and to increment a reference count of the number of open files on the device. This capability must be used with care, however, because programs that access files through FCBs frequently fail to close them, thus invalidating the open-files count. One way to protect against this possibility is to reset the open-files count to zero, without flushing the buffers, whenever the answer to a media-change call is yes and a subsequent build BPB call is made to the driver.

On character devices, the device-open function can be used to send a device-initialization string (which can be set into the driver by an application program by means of an IOCTL write function) or to deny simultaneous access to a character device by more than one process. Note that the predefined handles for the CON, AUX, and PRN devices are always open.

The device-open function is called with

RH + 1 BYTE Unit code (block devices)

RH + 2 BYTE Command code = 13 (0DH)

It returns

RH + 3 WORD Status