POSITION InsertBefore( POSITION position, CObject* newElement )
throw ( CMemoryException );
A POSITION value returned by a previous GetNext, GetPrev, or Find member function call.
The object pointer to be added to this list.
Adds an element to this list 'before' the element at the specified position.
A POSITION value that can be used for iteration or object pointer retrieval; NULL if the list is empty.
CObList list;
POSITION pos1, pos2;
list.AddHead( new CAge( 21 ) );
list.AddHead( new CAge( 40 ) ); // List now contains (40, 21)
if( ( pos1 = list.GetTailPosition() ) != NULL )
pos2 = list.InsertBefore( pos1, new CAge( 65 ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
afxDump << "InsertBefore example: " << &list << "\\n";
The results from this program are as follows:
InsertBefore example: A CObList with 3 elements
a CAge at $4AE2 40
a CAge at $4B02 65
a CAge at $49E6 21