

BOOL FlashWindow( BOOL bInvert );



Specifies whether the CWnd is to be flashed or returned to its original state. The CWnd is flashed from one state to the other if bInvert is TRUE. If bInvert is FALSE, the window is returned to its original state (either active or inactive).


Flashes the given window once. Flashing the CWnd means changing the appearance of its caption bar as if the CWnd were changing from inactive to active status, or vice versa. (An inactive caption bar changes to an active caption bar; an active caption bar changes to an inactive caption bar.)

Typically, a CWnd is flashed to inform the user that it requires attention, but that it does not currently have the input focus.

FlashWindow flashes the window only once; for successive flashing, create a system timer and repeatedly call FlashWindow.

The bInvert parameter should be FALSE only when CWnd is getting the input focus and will no longer be flashing; it should be TRUE on successive calls while waiting to get the input focus.

This function always returns TRUE for iconic windows. If CWnd is iconic, FlashWindow will simply flash the icon; bInvert is ignored for iconic windows.

Return Value

Specifies the state before the call to the FlashWindow member function. It is TRUE if CWnd was active before the call; otherwise FALSE.

See Also
