File menu, New command
The _pwbnewfile macro creates a new pseudofile.
New pseudofiles are given a unique name of the form:
where <nnn> is a three-digit number starting with 001 at the beginning of each PWB session. The window title shows Untitled.nnn. The file may be referred to by the name <Untitled.nnn>.
When the Newwindow switch is set to yes, or the active window is a PWB window, a new window is opened for the file. Otherwise, the file is opened in the active window, and the previous file is placed in the window's file history.
_pwbnewfile := cancel newfile <
Establishes a uniform “ground state” by canceling any selection or argument.
Creates a new untitled pseudofile.
Restores the function's prompt (if any). By default, function prompts are suppressed while a macro is running.
Cancel, Setfile