5.6 The Expression Statement

When an expression statement is executed, the expression is evaluated according to the rules outlined in Chapter 4, “Expressions and Assignments.”


expression-statement : expression opt ;

All side effects from the expression evaluation are completed before the next statement is executed. An empty expression statement is called a null statement. See “The Null Statement”.

These examples demonstrate expression statements.

x = ( y + 3 ); /* x is assigned the value of y + 3 */

x++; /* x is incremented */

x = y = 0; /* Both x and y are initialized to 0 */

proc( arg1, arg2 ); /* Function call returning void */

y = z = ( f( x ) + 3 ); /* A function-call expression */

In the last statement, the function-call expression, the value of the expression, which includes any value returned by the function, is increased by 3 and then assigned to both the variables y and z.