

HCURSOR LoadStandardCursor( LPSTR lpCursorName );



An IDC_ manifest constant identifier that specifies a predefined Windows cursor. These identifiers are defined in WINDOWS.H. The following list shows the possible predefined values for lpCursorName:

Value Meaning

IDC_ARROW Standard arrow cursor
IDC_IBEAM Standard text-insertion cursor
IDC_WAIT Hourglass cursor used when Windows performs a time-consuming task
IDC_CROSS Cross-hair cursor for selection
IDC_UPARROW Arrow pointing straight up
IDC_SIZE Cursor to use when resizing a window
IDC_ICON Cursor to use when dragging a file
IDC_SIZENWSE Two-headed arrow with ends at upper left and lower right
IDC_SIZENESW Two-headed arrow with ends at upper right and lower left
IDC_SIZEWE Horizontal two-header arrow
IDC_SIZENS Vertical two-headed arrow


Loads the Windows predefined cursor resource specified by lpCursorName.

Use LoadStandardCursor or the LoadOEMCursor member function to access the predefined Windows cursors.

Return Value

A handle to a cursor resource. If unsuccessful, returns NULL.

See Also

CWinApp::LoadOEMCursor, CWinApp::LoadCursor, ::LoadCursor