void SetAt( const char* key, CObject* newValue )
throw( CMemoryException );
The string that is the key of the new element.
The CObject pointer that is the value of the new element.
The primary means to insert an element in a map. First, the key is looked up. If the key is found, then the corresponding value is changed; otherwise, a new key-value element is created.
CMapStringToOb map;
CAge* pa;
map.SetAt( "Bart", new CAge( 13 ) );
map.SetAt( "Lisa", new CAge( 11 ) ); // Map contains 2 elements
#ifdef _DEBUG
afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
afxDump << "before Lisa's birthday: " << &map << "\\n";
if( map.Lookup( "Lisa", pa ) )
{ // CAge 12 pointer replaces CAge 11 pointer
map.SetAt( "Lisa", new CAge( 12 ) );
delete pa; // Must delete CAge 11 to avoid memory leak
#ifdef _DEBUG
afxDump << "after Lisa's birthday: " << &map << "\\n";
The results from this program are as follows:
before Lisa's birthday: A CMapStringToOb with 2 elements
[Lisa] = a CAge at $493C 11
[Bart] = a CAge at $4654 13
after Lisa's birthday: A CMapStringToOb with 2 elements
[Lisa] = a CAge at $49C0 12
[Bart] = a CAge at $4654 13
CMapStringToOb::Lookup, CMapStringToOb::operator []