class CMDIFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd

The CMDIFrameWnd class provides the functionality of a Windows multiple document interface (MDI) frame window, and also provides members for managing the window.

To create a useful MDI frame window for your application, derive a class from CMDIFrameWnd. Add member variables to the derived class to store data specific to your application. Implement message-handler member functions and a message map in the derived class to specify what happens when messages are directed to the window.

You create an MDI frame window in two steps. First, call the constructor CMDIFrameWnd to construct the CMDIFrameWnd object, then call the Create member function to create the MDI frame window and attach it to the CMDIFrameWnd object.

Construction can be a one-step process in a derived class. Write a constructor for the derived class and call Create from within the constructor.

When the user terminates your MDI frame window, destroy the CMDIFrameWnd object, or call the DestroyWindow member function, which CMDIFrameWnd inherits from class CWnd, to remove the CMDIFrameWnd and destroy its data structures. If you allocate any memory in the CMDIFrameWnd object, override the CMDIFrameWnd destructor to dispose of the allocations.

See Also

CWnd, CFrameWnd, CMDIChildWnd