

BOOL Create( const char FAR* lpCaption, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID );



Specifies the button control's text.


Specifies the button control's style.


Specifies the button control's size and position. It can be either a CRect object or a RECT structure.


Specifies the button control's parent window, usually a CDialog or CModalDialog. It must not be NULL.


Specifies the button control's resource ID.


You construct a CButton object in two steps. First call the constructor, then call Create, which creates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object.

When Create executes, Windows sends the WM_NCCREATE, WM_CREATE, WM_NCCALCSIZE, and WM_GETMINMAXINFO messages to the button control.

These messages are handled by default by the OnNcCreate, OnCreate, OnNcCalcSize, and OnGetMinMaxInfo member functions in the CWnd base class. To extend the default message handling, derive a class from CButton, add a message map to the new class, and override the preceding message-handler member functions. Override OnCreate, for example, to perform needed initialization for a new class.

To handle Windows notification messages that the CButton object sends to its parent, add any of the following message-map entries that you want to process to the parent-class message map:


If the WS_VISIBLE style is given, Windows sends the button control all the messages required to activate and show the button.

Apply the following window styles to a button control:

Style Application

WS_CHILD Always.
WS_GROUP To group controls.
WS_TABSTOP To include the button in the tabbing order.

See CreateEx in the CWnd base class for a full description of these window styles.

Use any combination of the following button styles for dwStyle:

Value Meaning

BS_AUTOCHECKBOX Same as a check box, except that an appears in the check box when the user selects the box; the disappears the next time the user selects the box.
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON Same as a radio button, except that when the user selects it, the button automatically highlights itself and removes the selection from any other radio buttons with the same style in the same group.
BS_AUTO3STATE Same as a three-state check box, except that the box changes its state when the user selects it. The state cycles through checked, dimmed, and normal.
BS_CHECKBOX Creates a small square that has text displayed to its right (unless this style is combined with the BS_LEFTTEXT style).
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Creates a button that has a heavy black border. The user can select this button by pressing the ENTER key. This style is useful for enabling the user to quickly select the most likely option (the default option).
BS_GROUPBOX Creates a rectangle in which other buttons can be grouped. Any text associated with this style is displayed in the rectangle's upper-left corner.
BS_LEFTTEXT When combined with a radio-button or check-box style, the text appears on the left side of the radio button or check box.
BS_OWNERDRAW Creates an owner-draw button. The owner window receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when the button is created and a WM_DRAWITEM message when a visual aspect of the button has changed.
BS_PUSHBUTTON Creates a push button that posts a WM_COMMAND message to the owner window when the user selects the button.
BS_RADIOBUTTON Creates a small circle that has text displayed to its right (unless this style is combined with the BS_LEFTTEXT style). Radio buttons are usually used in groups of related but mutually exclusive choices.
BS_3STATE Same as a check box, except that the box can be dimmed as well as checked. The dimmed state typically is used to show that a check box has been disabled.

Return Value

TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE.

See Also
