BOOL Create( const char FAR* lpTemplateName, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
BOOL Create( UINT nIDTemplate, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL );
Contains a null-terminated string that is the name of a dialog-box resource template.
Points to the parent window object (of type CWnd) to which the dialog object belongs. If it is NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window, as shown in the following code:
if( pParentWnd == NULL )
pParentWnd = AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd;
Contains the ID number of a dialog-box resource template.
Call Create when you construct your dialog-box object. You can put the call to create inside the constructor or call it after the constructor executes.
Two forms of the Create member function are provided for access to the dialog template resource either by template name or by template ID number.
For either form, you also pass a pointer to the parent window object. If you don't, the dialog will be created with its parent window set to the main application window. Modeless dialogs can use this pointer to send messages to the parent if needed.
Before the dialog box is displayed, Windows sends the WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog box. If the dialog box has the DS_SETFONT style, Windows also sends the WM_SETFONT message before the control windows are created. You can override the OnInitDialog and OnSetFont member functions to provide special handling of these messages.
The Create member function returns immediately after it creates the dialog box.
Use the WS_VISIBLE style in the dialog template if the dialog box should appear when the parent window is created. You can also specify other dialog styles in the template as explained in the Windows Software Development Kit documentation. These include styles that specify:
The frame around the dialog box.
Whether the dialog window is a pop-up or child window.
Whether the dialog box has a border or a Control menu.
How controls are to be grouped and the tabbing order between them.
Use the CWnd::DestroyWindow function to destroy a dialog box created by the Create function.
A dialog box can contain up to 255 controls.
Both forms return TRUE if dialog creation and initialization was successful; otherwise FALSE.
CWnd::DestroyWindow, CDialog::CreateIndirect, ::CreateDialog, WM_SETFONT, WM_INITDIALOG